Formative posts
Here are things other people have written that have helped to shape who I am. Enjoy!
- A/A Testing: How I increased conversions 300% by doing absolutely nothing David Kadavy
- Ableism/Language Lydia X.Z. Brown
- Accessibility Events Mat Marquis
- Aging Personas Joseph Karr O’Connor
- Are toddlers polluting your analytics? Mike Crittenden
- The best icon is a text label Thomas Byttebier
- Best practices for inclusive textual websites Rohan Kumar
- Choose Boring Technology Dan McKinley
- Craft vs Industry: Separating Concerns hello, yes.
- A Dao of Web Design John Allsopp
- Designing for the Unexpected James Williamson
- Disability Dongle Liz Jackson, Alex Haagaard, and Rua Williams
- Empathy as Faux Ethics Thomas Wendt
- Essay 5: Design education, disrupted Danah Abdulla
- Excluded from Confoo speaker dinner – what happened and how it made me feel. (Wayback Machine archive) Nicolas Steenhout
- I have one of the most advanced prosthetic arms in the world — and I hate it Britt H Young
- Folk Interfaces Maggie Appleton
- Inclusive Design Principles: Be Consistent Henny Swan
- Inclusivity should not be W.E.I.R.D: Sparkling long-lasting inclusive technology Luis Berumen
- Knowing Things is Hard Sean Manning
- Listen To Me And Not Google Heydon Pickering
- Lizardman Constant in Surveys Gwern Branwen
- Notes on Temporal Inaccessibility Alex Haagaard
- Offline Is Just Online With Extreme Latency Jim Nielsen.
- Origin Stories: Plantations, Computers, and Industrial Control Meredith Whittaker
- Perceived affordances and the functionality mismatch Léonie Watson
- Playing with state Sarah Higley
- Poor in tech Meg Elison
- Responsive design, screens, and shearing layers. Ethan Marcotte
- Semantics to Screen Readers Melanie Richards
- Stop Giving Control Hints to Screen Readers Adrian Roselli
- The significance of plot without conflict Still Eating Oranges
- Tailwind and the Femininity of CSS Elaina Natario
- Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported Eliza Strickland and Mark Harris
- Things I learned as an immigrant designer Sameera Kapila
- Thinking in Triplicate Erika Hall
- Thoughts on screen reader detection Léonie Watson
- Tog's paradox Votito
- Toward a History of Ableness (Wayback Machine archive) Beth Linker
- User Facing State Scott O'Hara
- User Testing in the Wild: Joe’s First Computer Encounter Jennifer Morrow
- User Queries Orde Saunders
- The Web’s Grain Frank Chimero
- White Supremacy Culture Tema Okun
- Why Corporate Playbooks Fall Short in Tackling Organizational Trauma Alba Villamil, Karen Eisenhauer, and Vivianne Castillo
- World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web Bruce Lawson
- We Need To Rewild The Internet Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon
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